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Honorary Member #2
Morrow 205

Miss March - Amy

Amy is one mean, lean, cleaning machine. Several times a week Amy will come into our room and randomly begin to dust things off, wipe things clean, and throw things out. Although it is very stange and weird, we definatley do appreciate her services. Visitors often ask why we abuse our good friend Amy and subject her to such menial and demeaning tasks, to which our reply is, "we didn't tell her to do it, she is just doing on her own, by her own will!" to which the visitors would reply, "in that case, Amy should come visit our room too!" to which I reply with a hearty laugh, HAHA! Amy's strange hobby of cleaning is perfection is only topped by her even stranger shreeks and girly laughter. These occur a random times with events ranging from seeing a friend to responding to an insult, to failing miserably on "SSX" (the Playstation2 game). An avid fan of being a nerd, look for Amy to be buried in books at your local library or study lounge, and if she is not there, then she is probably cleaning, or buying cleaning products, or watching cleaning shows....., etc. If you ever come into contact with Amy, make sure that you stay at a safe distance, and if she starts nagging you like your mom would, call the proper authorities immediately.

Isn't our slave (I mean, friend!) doing a great job?!

Some Useful Facts

Nicknames: Ah-May, Mom

High School: Wayne Hills

Height / Weight: 5'3" / 108 lbs.

Major: Pharmacy

Things she often says: you guys should study tonight, your suite is so dirty!, I'm here to clean, is that goo-bear?, shreek!

Weird things he sometimes does: cleans our suite even though it is not dirty, wipes our bathroom floor, wears the same pair of running pants 3 days in a row

CLICK HERE to visit Amy's own webpage