Ben | Chung | Gerald | Henry | Jackson | Honorary Member of the Month | Honorary Member #2 | Honorary Member #3 | Honorary Member #4 | Honorary Member #5 | Random Photo Gallery | Random Photo Gallery #2 | Random Photo Gallery #3 | Random Photo Gallery #4 | Rutgers Gallery
Morrow 205

Chung is the rich uncle which we never had. Always kind and always generous, Chung has all the doo-dads and gizmos to make grown men weep. His house is often a site for parties, his car is often a vessel of racing and splendor, and his computer is often a site of fun and a sight of awe and beauty. Chung is the bringer of joy when it comes to providing the suite with high-tech entertainment (i.e. dreamcast, playstation2, stereo system, razor scooter, DVDs, etc.) Chung is also the leader of dissension when it comes to distracting us from our studies (i.e. dreamcast, playstation2, stereo system, razor scooter, DVDs, etc.) HAHA! As you can see every coin has two sides! Soft-spoken and mild-mannered, Chung often is a very quiet boy (especially when he is giving new people -Joanne- rides to church . However, every now and then he will yelp a short succinct expression. These include: SUCKY!, HUH-HUH-HUH!, NO WAY!, TIRED!, and the infamous "that kid knows what's up!" whenever he spots someone wearing Pittsburgh Steelers apparel. wonderful......


Some Useful Facts

Nicknames: Chungy, Chung Lame, Diesel, Chungathy

High School: West Essex

Height / Weight: 5'6" / 130 lbs.

Major: Computer Science

Things he often says: Hun!, ssssssss, shaw, mo-lee-ko? (he doesn't talk much....)

Weird things he sometimes does: jumps around like a monkey, does dumb hand-motions so he doesn't have to do simple tasks (i.e. open the main dorm door, throw out the dining hall trays, etc.)