Ben | Chung | Gerald | Henry | Jackson | Honorary Member of the Month | Honorary Member #2 | Honorary Member #3 | Honorary Member #4 | Honorary Member #5 | Random Photo Gallery | Random Photo Gallery #2 | Random Photo Gallery #3 | Random Photo Gallery #4 | Rutgers Gallery
Morrow 205

Gerald is a walking disappearing act. One second he's in the suite, then the next second he's gone. Gerald is also known to be abscent from the suite days at a time. Where does he go? No one will ever know...... Gerald is also "intillectual" of the group. He always loves a good conversation and loves to discuss really just about anything. If you need to talk to somebody, Gerald is your man. He listens well and will always be there for you. However, the problem is that since he is "always there" for you, he is NEVER there for the other guy! This means that when Gerald focuses on one person or on one task, he becomes oblivious and aloof to everything elsem forgetting even the most important things such as final exams, weddings, funerals, fires, floods, wars, presidential elections, where his glasses are, and his wallet when taking a nine-day trip to California (sense?!?) Gerald is also the fellowship leader of the group, always encouraging prayer and Bible reading, and time for us just to have a "real" conversation with each other (granted that he is actually present at the time....)


Some Useful Facts

Nicknames: G, kar-rald, Geraldo, Jeeee-rald

High School: Tenafly

Height / Weight: 5'6" / 110 lbs.

Major: Computer Science

Things he often says: that's awesome, eeehhheheheh (in a nerdy voice), ...and what not, get out of here

Weird things he sometimes does: misplaces things that are in their obvious spots, thinks lightbulbs are broken when simply the switch is actually off, take 30 minute showers, pretends to forget something to scare us, but then really forgets something, doesn't bring his wallet on long trips.