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Morrow 205

Henry is the oldest member of our group, with his birthday coming six months before the next oldest member. However while Henry's age often brings wisdom and maturity, do not be fooled. Henry still can act like a five-year old kid if he has to. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, Henry always holds play-time WAY above study-time and leaves much of his energy and enthusiasm on the court/playing field and in the TV. His skilled shooting in basketball (you can't leave a NBA player THAT open!) and his superb hurdling skills (on Dreamcast's ESPN track and field) are matched only by his relentless "studying" in front of the TV and his proficiancy at rating TV commercials (Love BEER? and At the rivers mouth is where the bear finds the finest salmon.....) Gullible and innocent, Henry is always vulnerable to being locked out of my car as a prank or skipping class on a single temptation ("hey Henry, just skip it!") And even though he is sick and tired of "cow" jokes that are made of him since the beginning of his life on this earth, yes, we will continue to use those lame jokes......


Some Useful Facts

Nicknames: Moo-Moo, the Cow, Triple Sau-cow

High School: Roxbury (not , Night at the...)

Height / Weight: 5'10" / 140 lbs.

Major: Computer Science

Things he often says: wah-wah (crying), mmmmm (when eating good food), what da?, you OK, dude?

Weird things he sometimes does: imitates the high pitched voice of Rod and Todd Flanders (The Simpsons), watches lame video shows like "Maximum Exposure"

CLICK HERE to Henry's own homepage