The Story of Mankind



Red: The color of blood, of sacrifice, of grace, and of love

So here we are now. We have this thing called sin which prevents us from being good like God, and prevents us from being with him in heaven and all the good stuff like that. We are essentially stuck in a wrut. You can't buy your way out of it, there's no plea bargain/let's-make-a-deal, you can't work for/earn it, there's no points system or anything. It's simply "all or nothing" and right now, it's "nothing." But we're not the only ones who thinks this really stinks. God thought that this was a pretty darn sad situation too. So God had a MASTER plan to save humanity! He would send His ONLY son (Jesus Christ, part of the Trinity) to come to Earth and become a human (born as a baby, yes, that's the TRUE meaning of Christmas, in case you were wondering....sorry Santa....) And if Jesus then died on Earth, it would kinda be like a payment, a substitute for us humans! What a plan!!! So this actually happened! Jesus came to earth as a baby (yet still fully God at the same time) and he lived for a little more that 30 years. He was a man just like you and me! But he was without sin (cuz basically HE WAS GOD) which meant he never did any "bad" stuff. And he did die; he was killed. Betrayed by a good friend (Judas - not a very common name these days....I wonder why....), wrongfully accused (not the movie), and sentenced to death, Jesus hung on the cross for a good while, dying, dying, dead. He was dead. Not fake-dead, or half-dead. Not just-kidding-dead, or asleep/not-dead. REALLY DEAD! What a horrible deal for Jesus! But it's the beginning of a great deal for us!

(see Isaiah Chap.53, Luke Chap.23, Romans Chap.5)


The Crucifixion, always a sight that makes me tingle and tremble. The pain, the agony, the embarassment......all endured for mankind.