The Story of Mankind



Black: The color of evil, darkness, suffering, and sin

All was going well in this universe until one day, Adam and Eve (with a little help of a cunning and deceitful snake/devil) disobeyed God. Yes, it was the whole deal with the apple (actually it could have been any kind of fruit). Why did God allow this to happen? I don't know.... But the fact of the matter is IT HAPPENED and that there was now sin in the world (also referred to as the Fall of Man). Sin isn't just lying to your parents, or stealing the nerd's lunch-money, or slashing someone's tires or, doing "bad" stuff like that; that is just part of it. Sin just basically means that YOU ARE NOT GOD. And this is a BIG problem. We are not perfect and righteous like God, so we can't be like Him, can't be near Him, can't reach His standerds. Man deserves death and eternal condemnation. DOH! That really stinks.... But don't just stop here, READ ON!

(see Genesis Chap.2, Romans Chap.3, Romans Chap.6)

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

***[Serpent]-Here Eve, have this yummy fruit, nothing will go wrong! *** [Eve]-YUM! Good idea! Thanks! Here, Adam, have some too! *** [Adam]-Ooooo! Fruit! Excellent! Wait....Eve=Woman....this could be trouble....