Ultimate Frisbee's Hall of Notoriety 2
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Hall #1: Shuminator - Rutgers University

I felt that since I am the creator of this page, I should be in the Hall as well. I am in my other friend's (Adam) hall as well. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I am good or talented or anything. I am just notorious... after all...that's what this hall is for anyways... I am called Shuminator....cuz I'm like the terminator. I am truly a die-hard player who hates to give up points and never gives up. I play hard D with my metallic arm and blast discs out of the sky with my big guns (aka "cannons"). I once won a tournament here with a team of six. We all went against teams of seven. It was really cool. Even though they had an extra man they still never got open. Yeah Dude! ok...well....if you ever see me on the field... just watch out. And don't be lazy if you're on my team!!! RUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! On the field I'm a bad-@$$ who you don't wanna mess with. If you are slacking off or being a punk, I will let you know! But off the field, come up to me any time and I would love to discuss rules, strategies, or the next time we are going to play. Excellent! (and if you are the IFL, you better get off my field!!!) Go Scarlet Knights!!!

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Look at those "ups!"

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